How to take self-portraits A Beginner's Guide

Why Self-Portraiture + How to

“Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed.” A couple of years ago, I created an Instagram page purely for fashion and self-portraiture. I didn’t tell a single soul about it because I was just starting out, unsure of myself, and embarrassed to ask people to check out my pictures. I’ve grown a lot since then. For me, taking self-portraits has been an awesome … Continue reading Why Self-Portraiture + How to

Complimenting Women

Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty

The other day, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw a picture that a family member posted of her daughter relaxing in the passenger seat of a car, smiling at the camera. The caption read that her daughter was now officially a sophomore in high school. “Where does the time go,” her mother declared. I decided to quickly browse the comments before adding my own, and … Continue reading Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty outfit inspiration spring looks 2018

Sunday Bonus: The Broken Writers Society, a Comedy

Hey all, I don’t normally post on Sundays and this isn’t a typical style of post for me, but I just wanted to show you all my latest sketch comedy creation, as well as show you what you’re missing if you aren’t following me on Instagram and IGTV. I know, I’m shameless, right? This sketch is all about the ugly underbelly of the #writerlife. What … Continue reading Sunday Bonus: The Broken Writers Society, a Comedy