My Guest Post: So Happy!

Dear Readers, today I’m excited to tell you that I have posted, for the first time ever, a guest blog post. And who was it that was so kind as to ask me to stop by her blog? The always supportive, always thoughtful, Cheila at Pink for Days!

When I got back into blogging after a long hiatus, Cheila’s was one of the first blogs I stumbled into. I am so glad that I did. Through her, I’ve been able to build a very encouraging and engaging relationship with other bloggers that I may have never met. Cheila was, and continues to be, supportive of my little blog, and that means so much to me. As bloggers, let’s be honest, sometimes we post something and we hope for the best. We hope that it’s well-written enough, that people like it, that readers give feedback. Although writing is a passion for me, I don’t want to be writing into the void. No one does. Cheila always swooped in with a thoughtful comment and love. Especially in those days of tiptoeing back into blogging and being unsure of myself, goodness what a gift!

So anyway, I wrote my first guest post for her blog and I’d love you all to take a look at it. It’s my story retold. As you may know from my recent post, I’ve been working on accomplishing goals in many areas of my life. Getting more involved in the blogging community is one of those, and how appropriate that Cheila was the one to get me started. You’re a wonderful person lady. Wonderful! Keep up the incredible work that you do. xx

18 thoughts on “My Guest Post: So Happy!

  1. That was a good one! Way to go, Lyz. So happy that you wrote that because it serves as an inspiration to so many of us. To me! Very recently I’ve been feeling like my life isn’t going anywhere either – a factor to my losing motivation. It’s great to be reminded by other people that the motivation will come back eventually.

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    1. Hey Willia, thank you for commenting. I’m sorry to hear that you’re struggling with the same thing, but you know more people than you realize are. My motivation came back when I stopped filling up my time with useless things or just hanging out with friends. Motivation doesn’t come back to everyone. Look around, you know. I think we have to always keep trying to find reasons to be motivated. Life can feel really long and tedious when we don’t have things to do that we enjoy or things to look forward to. Don’t give up. girlie. It’s not easy and I’m still not where I want to be, but it feels good every time I do a little something to move in the right direction. What’s something that you’ve wanting to be doing?

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      1. I’m somewhat better now than I used to be. But it got to a really awful point. And that’s when I started putting up my blog. Thank you so much for the concern. I liked how your blogging has helped you because it’s helped me a lot too! It’s what I enjoy doing when I feel like everything’s not going the way I want them to.

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    1. I know, isn’t she? I like to think of her as the godmother of our blogging community. I hope it catches on. I’m older than her but it still applies darn it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for checking it out, darling. I do appreciate it very much.

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  2. I just read your post on Cheilaโ€™s blog. Love it. ๐Ÿ™‚ I can relate to that feeling when you are reading the blogs of the footloose and fancy free travelers. It is so exciting and alluring, but we are very rooted at home, with my teaching job and my husband working for the family business, so uprooting is not an option for us. But I think you are doing it right, keeping the long term big goals, but throwing in the small trips and experiences as you go. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Absolutely. I think we all have to find what makes us truly happy. I also have a home that I love and want to keep forever. You guys are definitely getting out there and enjoying the world. A great example. And thank you for reading my post ๐Ÿ˜Š I’m glad you really liked it.


  3. Lyz! I just read your guest post on Cheila’s blog and I loved it! You have such a way with words, you really draw in the readers which is an amazing gift. I sometimes feel like I want to travel more, but at the same time, I crave the feeling of being settled and setting up roots. I feel the pull in both directions, and I don’t know what to do about it a lot of the time ๐Ÿ˜€
    So I just go with it, slowly setting up roots, but occasionally running away for mini adventures when I can ๐Ÿ™‚

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    1. Angela, thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it. It was hard to condense everything and not ramble on and on, so it’s nice to hear it turned out well. I was sweating and nervous about being in front of a different audience.
      I totally get what you mean about the pull both ways. I love love my house. It’s actually the house that I grew up in and I’m making it my own more and more all the time. I don’t think I could ever leave it for good. I love having roots. So it’s all about balance. The never-ending battle for balance.

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