iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

Girl’s Trip: Sarasota, Florida

I recently went on a road trip with two of my gal pals, Quetsy and Vanessa. It was our first time traveling with this trifecta, though I’ve known both of them for equal periods of time, so it was overdue. Friends are like food. Some pair very well together an some, while great on their own, go horribly together. There are some friend combinations that one is weary about. Some friend combinations one knows for a fact won’t work because it has been tried before.


Sorry, I was in a corner shuddering and flashbacking.


Then there are some friend combinations that one is really hopeful might work. Here’s our trifecta. One friend is the surprising class clown– making fun of her friends and family is her favorite past time, I’m sure of it. The other friend is so easy to make laugh that it’s easy to feel like a comedy god in her presence. Her superpower is insight and candor. And then there’s me, Lyz-Stephanie, keeping the entertainment rolling along with the video.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip sarasota florida marie selby botanical gardens

I hoped, as we made this journey across Florida and up the west coast, that we’d find a good rhythm and ride it. We took off from my house at 5:30 am, so things could go either way. Vanessa is well acquainted with 5:45 am spin classes while Quetsy is the walking dead in the wee hours of the morning. But who knew what my friends’ eyeballs or attitudes would be as we all went to bed entirely too late the night before. I made a strong brew of coffee and took the driver’s seat.

The ride there included laughs that grew in frequency as the sun rose, and a great conversation long as the wide, cow sprinkled pastures, golden in the morning light.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota Florida

Four hours later we were ordering breakfast in Sarasota, Florida.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

Check in to our hotel wasn’t until later– a fact that always irks me, so we went straight to our destination, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, “a respected world leader in the study and conservation of plants, particularly epiphytes– plants adapted to live in the tree canopy, including orchids, bromeliads, gesneriads and ferns.” This place is gorgeous; dripping with tropical plants and beautiful trees.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

One of many beautiful trees.

What I wore.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida


iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

One of the issues I’ve been facing recently in my multipassionate journey to learn every damn thing is remembering. Photography has been a love of mine since childhood and anytime that I’m traveling I’ve had a camera stuck to my face. But now that I’m getting into video, which I’m also growing to love, I have to figure out this balancing act of remembering to capture images and video. Often when I’m remembering one, I’m neglecting the other. I’ve got tons of video that I can’t wait to show you.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida

The Gardens is currently showcasing an Andy Warhol exhibit, so there were many installations around the grounds that were created to reflect his love of symmetry and repetition.

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On this particular trip, my primary focus was on capturing video for the travel diary that I’m still putting together. It wasn’t until laying in my hotel room that night uploading all the contents of my camera onto my computer that I realized how woefully lacking my photography had been.


I couldn’t get a sharp image on this for the life of me.

iwannabealady.com girl's trip Sarasota, Florida


This girl gang trifecta worked out beautifully, and I can’t wait to have more of it.


Travel Tip: If possible, bring your computer with you on trips and upload/backup as many files as you can at the end of each day. Coming home from vacation to hundreds or thousands of photos and videos to sort through can be a very stressful downer if you let it. I prepare by creating folders broken down very specifically.

Folder: TRAVEL

Folder: Sarasota

Folder: Sarasota Day One- Gardens

Folder: Pictures

Folder: Videos

Folder: Sarasota Day Two- City

Folder: Pictures

And while you’re on wifi, I suggest you take the extra step and upload everything to Google Photos. This system is good for 3 reasons:

  1. It helps you stay organized.
  2. You can clear storage space for the following day.
  3. If anything terrible should befall your phone or camera or sd card, all won’t be lost. I’ve witnessed each of these sad events happen. You don’t want to be a victim.


Want more travel tips? Here you go.

Documenting Your Journey

Documenting Your Journey 2

Instagram I Twitter I Pinterest I YouTube

Meet me this Wednesday for the next installation of Women’s History Wednesday. Instagram Live 6:30pm!

32 thoughts on “Girl’s Trip: Sarasota, Florida

  1. By the sound of it this was a fun trip! Travelling with friends is always so much fun, it’s something I should definitely do more of. And the photos, WOOOW everything looks so pretty it makes me want to pack my bags and go there myself! By the way, I love your travel tip about staying on top of things when it comes to photos – I do that too because I always document trips by taking videos and editing them together when I get back home. It is definitely better to organize them in advance, otherwise I have found that it can take the fun out of editing afterwards. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It was so much fun to be in the car cracking jokes and having great conversations. And the place was so lush and beautiful😍 I’ve definitely learned from experience to do the hard stuff right away, or its just like you said, sucks the fun right out of editing later on. Hope you get that girl’s trip soon!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. You’ve got to dangle something in front of them. Tell them you’ve got a hook up on John Mayer tickets. Or dedicate one week to sending them nonstop travel/road trip pics- while they’re at work, first thing inn the morning, bedtime. Blitz them with inspiration. If they still don’t go, go out and make a new friend that’s down for it! 💥 May the force be with you.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. It sounds like you had an amazing time! Travelling with my best friends once over seas and once on a roadtrip within our state have so far been one of my favourite trips I’ve taken, it’s always so much fun! And yes yes yes! to all your tips about uploading/backing up photos – I make it a mission to get it all done every night before I get to bed wherever I am! Great post lovely x


  3. I live a short 20 minutes from Sarasota and visit often. Selby gardens is a fantastic place to tour, have lunch and enjoy a restful spot on the grounds. I became addicted to growing orchids because of Selby Gardens. I have 50 now. They grow beautifully in the Florida humidity.
    It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Your smiles showcase the fun you had.
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

      1. They can be difficult to grow. But, not any more or less than any other plant. Orchids require very, very dry roots. People tend to overwater them when they see how dry they are. They can go two weeks without water. A good plant for travelers.
        Orchids absorb most of their water through their leaves. It’s the reason they do well in a bathroom. But, the bathroom should have indirect light from a window. If outside on a patio without direct light on them they will blossom. Also, they like to be fertilized. The flowers come about from that. Water with a mister on the leaves. Fertilize – 1/4 cup of fertilizer to 1 cup of water on the roots. No mystery. It’s just a little care and of course, LOVE. Hope you decide to grow one.
        Isadora 😎

        Liked by 1 person

  4. A road trip is something on my imaginary bucket list to do with my friends but I need to get more confidence on the road first.
    Traveling with your best friends seems like a dream come true, glad you had fun.
    I can’t see the images of your road trip though :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can’t see the images?! I wonder why on earth not! As for the confidence on the road, my friends are much more used to driving long distances than I am, but I’m sort of a leech. Every time we go somewhere I get behind the wheel for longer periods of time, so it’s been helping me. Tell your friends what you’re comfortable with, or what they can expect your contribution to be before heading out. You’ll probably find, like me, that you do better than expected. I definitely think you’ve got to bring this bucket list item to life! It’s so much fun 💜

      Liked by 1 person

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