iwannabealady.com girl's trip sarasota florida marie selby botanical gardens

I Deserve a Sweet Bottle of Wine.

It’s done. A month has past since me and my homies took a road trip to the west coast- Florida’s west coast. Our destination was Sarasota, Florida. I expected to have lots of laughs and eyefuls of beautiful plants at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. That happened.

I expected to create a killer travel video and debut it approximately 1 to 2 weeks after the trip. That was an epic joke and an epic fail. I slaved. I edited. I revised. I cheered. I drank beer. I groaned. I lost sleep. I compromised. I powered through. I learned the hard way. I’ve lost and gained brain cells.

My modis operandi is typically to go hard on something I’m interested in like it’s strapped to a time bomb. All the while I’m working on something, there’s a woman speaking through a P.A. system saying Your interest in this project will self-destruct in two weeks or less depending on intensity.

But I want to be different. And I had no choice. I invested what seemed like 2 years of my life already making this film, and I promised it to everyone, including myself. I want to make more vlogs. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I have stacks of video clips taped together like Frankenstein’s monster; they lack the finishing touches.

It’s the finishing touches that really make me crazy. I love the planning, the filming; I love going through clips and choosing moments; I love building a story. But when the timing on a clip is just off, or the right song is just out of reach, or the sound is doing something weird and I don’t know why, and the technology is glitching, and the internet is slow, goodness help me. All manner of things conspired to destroy my peace. But I’m here, I made it, and soΒ  did my travel vlog.

Without further ado (tell me you love it even if you don’t) here’s our road trip!

Along the way, you’ve all encouraged me to keep at it and have reminded me to appreciate the process, so I’m sending you all a heartfelt thank you.

I’ve got a lot to learn in creating these sorts of videos, but I’m more excited than ever to keep growing my skills. Enjoy!

If you’ve got an extra moment, please head over to my YouTube channel to like and subscribe. I love to see the little thumbs up. And while there, You may decide to check out my first travel vlog from my Thailand trip last year and compare the difference!

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16 thoughts on “I Deserve a Sweet Bottle of Wine.

    1. I had to give myself so many pep talks πŸ˜… but it feels so freaking good to have a finished product. I forgot to breathe a few times and almost passed out, lol. Thanks for the encouragement!


  1. Oh and the video is super cute, looks like you guys had a ton of fun, which is really what matters! Road trips are the best! I love Sarasota! I live in Tampa but I go down there for the beautiful beaches.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t want to admit it, but the sand on that beach was way nicer than Fort Lauderdale’s. It was like walking on silk. I need to make road trips a more regular part of my life. They really are the best!


  2. Haha, editing can take forever. Sometimes I realize that the more I watch something I edit, the more changes I want to make. Eventually, I have to step back, and then I like it again. That being said, you did a great job Lyz! Looks like you all had a great time πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, everything that you said! I really like the final product, but now I’ve decided now that the work is done, I’ll restrain from watching it again for a little while because I still find things I’d like to improve. I want to enjoy the fact that it’s done and accomplished. Thanks so much, Angela. I’m glad you liked it. We had a great time.

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