When your parent treats you like a child

When Your Parent Treats You Like a Child, or I’m a Grown Up Dad!

So let’s see. I’ve finished school. I’m old enough to drive. I’m old enough to drink. My children are almost taller than me. I’ve been putting money into a retirement plan for the good part of a decade. By all accounts, I’d say that I’m an adult.

But my dad doesn’t seem to think so.

Okay, maybe I’m mistaken. I’m expected to wear a bra. I’m expected to know what an IRA is. It’s expected that I won’t pick my nose or loudly point out the goiter on an old woman’s nose. I’m expected to get myself up in the morning. I expect to have coffee within 2 hours of waking up. No one tells me what I can and can’t eat. Hmm, I don’t know. I still think I sound like an adult.

So what gives, dad?

What’s his crime? He likes to show up and be helpful. I know, the monster. But before you call me ungrateful, I want for you to imagine a scene.

When your parent treats you like a child

You are standing at your kitchen sink washing the dishes and looking at the butterflies outside your window. The sun is shining, the birds are… wtf was that? Oh, it’s your dad. He’s outside in the yard. You had no idea he was even in the area.

Is somebody there? I hear rustling! Oh, it’s you dad.

Then he’s pulling the ladder out of the shed. Next you hear footprints above you as he checks the roof. Then you hear the drilling sound of screws being driven into wood. Then you hear loud voices as he and the neighbor shout across the fence and the laugh like old times. Then he’s pulling weeds. Then he’s rolling out the trash. Then he’s pulling mangoes down from the tree. Then he’s doing goodness knows what, but it’ll take another hour for sure.

Do you still think I’m horrible? That’s okay. You must be of the sort of people who love surprises and endless family time. That’s great. Good for you.

Me, on the other hand, I need a cottage in the woods with nothing but trees, deer, and wifi. I love solitude. I like to feel that I’m in some control of when I step into human contact. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no hermit or misanthrope. I love people and the company of people. Just not by surprise, damn it. And in limited increments.

I need a cottage in the woods with nothing but the deer, trees and wifi. (2).png

As he was creeping along among the garden vines, I hopped onto the group chat I have with some friends and rained my angst down on them. They took it kindly. Offered encouragement and validation that I was not crazy. That settled my heart rate. My problem now is the obvious one.

Do I look the dad creature in the eye and stand up for myself, like the woman that I want to be? Not gonna lie; I’m scared as hell.

Alright, I need reinforcements. And by reinforcements, I don’t mean those plastic panty covers for geriatrics. You know, the ones you wear in case your bladder goes weak and you pee on yourself. There is a very high likelihood that I may pee on myself. It’s happened before, folks. But that’s another day, another post. No, I think wearing panty guards will only compound my feelings of being an adult baby, right? All I need is to be speaking passionately to a soundtrack of shifting plastic coming from my bum. No, it’ll be big girl panties for me.

The only reinforcement I can think of has been around since the dawn of mankind. Knowledge. Other people must have struggled through this battle and come out with something to teach me. I’ll go find the sage ones.

How To Tell Your Parents That They Annoy You, or How To Have a Respectful Conversation With Your Parents About Boundaries (I like the first one better)

I’m immediately upset that all the advice seems to require an actual conversation with my dad about the problem. Psychologists are a lazy lot, apparently. All these decades of research and they haven’t worked out a way to avoid the actual confrontation. So here’s the lousy information that I’m left with.

1. Psychology Today says, among other things, that I should identify and accept my personal boundary needs.

“Everyone agrees: if you don’t protect your personal space, you are more likely to feel drained, fatigued and self-critical. You may often feel hurt and angry for what seems like minor infractions from others. And your self-esteem will definitely suffer. But in order to protect your personal space, you have to accept that it’s all right to have it.”

2. The Huffington Post states the need to speak my thoughts and let it go.

“One of the hardest things to realize is that trying to get a satisfying response from your parent won’t work. It is far more effective to say what you need to say using clear, intimate communication, while releasing any expectation that they will change. By practicing speaking up in a calm way, you strengthen yourself whether they respond positively or not.”

3. Schedule a weekly time slot for them to come over and visit and/or dig around in the garden. Somewhere in my reading, I stumbled on a parenting website for parents of young children. I read this advice about keeping the grandparents in line when they are using the new baby as an excuse to pop up unannounced. You know, we just had to see the baby. I didn’t think it applied to my situation, so I didn’t take note of the source. It was a guy’s advice to a parent on a baby forum. Thanks stranger dude. This one is at the top of my list.

4. Here’s a Ted Talk titled “The Power of Introverts”. The talk itself is enlightening and encouraging. It just might help some of you to feel a little more sane and justified in living a little differently than most. You aren’t the only one dreading the open concept floor plan at work, and you aren’t the only one craving solitude.

5. Here’s a Ted Talk titled How to Speak Up For Yourself. Adam Galinsky provides useful strategies to get comfortable making our voices heard when it needs to be done. It’s mostly about a power differential, he says. He provides some tools that will allow for broadening our power within certain contexts, allowing us to feel more encouraged to speak up.

What has this mini research taught me?

  1. There are a lot of really annoying people out there. Among them are parents that seem to have forgotten all the lessons about manners that they taught their children growing up.
  2. Many people have family, neighbors, friends knocking on their door for unexpected entry into their house. My dad normally stays outside and out of my way, so I feel like an even bigger jerk daughter now.
  3. Continuing to not speak up will only compound my dad’s image of me as a little girl who just goes along with his rules. I ain’t little and I follow my own rules. In most things, anyway.
  4. Approaching the situation with his perspective in mind will increase my chances of gaining his cooperation. So, if he’s coming over to keep the house maintained, I should take an interest and join him. Let him feel proud to share his knowledge, which I need. We can make his visits a family affair.
  5. Having our own private space is important. Different people have different amounts of space that they require. There is nothing wrong with us wanting to control when and how often we allow people into that space.
  6. Introversion is not a crime and neither is wanting to walk around the house in boxer shorts. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the natural rights of humans.
  7. I shouldn’t confront my dad when my heart is racing in anger. That will only create hurt feelings. Anyway, I’ve done that once before and it obviously didn’t work very well.
  8. It’s easier to find bravery in the flurries of passion, but the real progress happens when calm empathy and stern logic speak together. In his eyes, this just as much about him as it is about me. I have to find a way to meet in the middle.
  9. My goal: set up a schedule of specific days and times to work with him (and the kids) for learning how to maintain our home. It can be our summer project.
  10. I’m still terrified. I still don’t want to do it. But this, apparently, is what adulthood is: doing a bunch of shit that we don’t want to do. I’m going to have to schedule something epic for myself as a reward for doing this which, by the way, is a gift of adulthood.

I’m still considering if I can just live with the whole thing and forget this whole business. Of course, I’ll let you know how it goes. I wanna be a lady.

Are any of you out their pulling your hair out or biting your nails to stubs because of intrusions on your personal space?

27 thoughts on “When Your Parent Treats You Like a Child, or I’m a Grown Up Dad!

    1. I’ve been reading a lot on the subject and I think there’s a lot of people out there like you! I’m grateful that it hasn’t been that bad for me 🙂 Best of luck to you, my friend! A little space is probably best.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well…I didn’t stay gone. I moved home when I felt my parents needed me due to a family tragedy, but there are boundaries that are respected. 🙂

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  1. I remember hearing about this. Maybe a phone call would be the way to talk about it? So it’s not in person, it might be easier to ask him to at least announce he’s coming over before he does? No idea if he’ll go for that. Or go the revenge route and show up unannounced at their place? Or would they be fine with that? That’s all my ideas *sigh* I really don’t know how to help with that. Maybe send the kids to talk to him? 😛

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    1. I can’t wait until they are old enough to start to start sending them to talk to people in my stead. The phone sounds like a really good idea to me. Keeping it on the table. If I showed up unannounced, they’d be overjoyed. 🙂

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      1. 😂 okay so maybe don’t show up at their place unannounced. From what I know about them, I’m sure they’ll invite you in and talk your ear off. Glad the phone idea might be useful though 🙂

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  2. I can only be grateful my father has never been like that. I’m an unsociable, people-avoiding, semi-hermit and anyone invading my personal space boundaries will know in about 3 seconds that they are not welcome. I also left the country, not to get away from him, but it helped. When I do visit my parents, they still insist on calling me by my childhood nickname though, which is just as infuriating. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I was Biccie Barrel (as in biscuit barrel.) and my poor brother was Spiky Spunk Trumpet. Can you really blame us for distancing ourselves from parents like that.? 😀

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  3. I roared through the post. I roar at my father too once in a while. The second does not sound all that nice and sweet, right? But I am in your corner with this one, you know! My dilemma is to get there – How Not To Scream When Confronting Your Father 😉

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  4. Speaking as a father of a 25 year old daughter, I can tell you that it’s hard to change that love-paternalistic dynamic when he can still see/remember the girl in you… I’d give him time, or you can choose to go your own way and let him work it out. 🙂

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    1. Just yesterday I finally mentioned to him the idea of coming by to teach me and the kids how to care for the garden and outdoor aspects of the house. He seemed happy about it! I’m sure I’ll be resisting my own kids spreading their wings and asking for space soon enough.

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  5. I currently live in China while me and my wife’s family are all still in the States so this is not much of an issue for us anymore.

    We did live in the States first and my parents are awesome when it comes to personal space. They don’t drop by unannounced and do not even give unsolicited advice. My wife’s parents are the same way.

    However, my first wife’s parents were a nightmare with being intrusive. They were nice people and they meant well, but they had to have their nose in everything and my wife was so used to it, she didn’t see it as a problem. So I had to first confront her before eventually confronting the in-laws. It took a while. And was not fun, but things were much better afterward.

    Transformed Nonconformist

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    1. Transformed, thank you for that thoughtful and detailed response. I am in the aftermath of a hurricane and just came on to WordPress to quickly let everyone know I am okay. I planned on reading comments and such later but seeing that you had really taken the time two explain this comment I felt compelled to read it. I loved hearing about the various ways that people confront and deal with this issue, and it was nice to know that there are people who are doing it right. It means there’s something out there to learn from, good examples. I’d like to learn about that, being a parent myself. Thank you again. Sorry I have to run.

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