There’s a Storm Coming.

Hi everyone! I hope things are going well in your corner of the planet. My corner is preparing for a hurricane. Hurricane Irma. It’s a pretty powerful storm, breaking a record in category 5 and right now, I believe it’s raging over the Caribbean.

I woke up this morning to the darkness of shuttered windows, and it makes me wonder how people live in cold places that are dark for months. Part of my morning routine has always been to walk around the house and open every curtain to let the sunlight in. So this sucks. Thankfully we have a few more windows to board up so there are some pockets of light that I can drink in.

Because it’s summertime in Florida, it rains almost daily– normally early morning and mid-afternoon. It doesn’t stop to let you prepare for an upcoming storm. It also means that if I want to step outside for some early morning sunlight that I’ll also be stepping into early morning humidity. I’ll take my chances inside. The darkness will be upon us soon once all the shutters are in place. That sounds dramatic.

My supplies are in order. Of course, looking at recent disasters in other parts of the country, it’s easy to feel that one can never have enough supplies. One has to make choices. The lines for gasoline are either extending out into the streets and around corners, or the gas stations have run completely out. I filled up my tank on Tuesday and I am almost down to half a tank now. I’ll need my car to get to safety if there are any sudden changes or in the aftermath. That means if I’m going anywhere at this point, it’ll be on my bike.

Thankfully the schools have closed for today and tomorrow because driving my kids the 20 minutes to and from school everyday through school zones has been the primary reason for my dwindling gas tank. I refuse to spend an hour of my life waiting in line for gasoline; that is, of course, I could find any.

There’s lots of tuna, peanut butter, beans and candles. Years ago, I lost the car I had just paid off when Hurricane Wilma decided to drop a tree on it. Couldn’t really prepare for that.

The nice things about losing power, though, is that the stars become very visible, and neighbors empty their freezers, and everyone gathers around bar-b-que grills to share what they have. That’s been my experience. Oh yeah, and families have no recourse but to read, play games and talk to each other by candlelight. There is much beauty to be had in a blackout.

Most often, these storms threaten, but they pass along without much trouble. We are all hoping for one of those. Except for the children. Kids are always excited about the possibility of a good storm to bring some excitement and stories into their lives. I remember thinking the same about Hurricane Andrew when I was a kid. When we finally got power back and realized that all of Homestead had been leveled, it was a rude awakening. Still, you can’t blame a kid for wanting a story to tell. I still tell the story of how, when I was a kid, my dad braced a storm donning a raincoat in order to support our still young avocado tree against the raging winds. It’s still giving us avocados today! It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

If you’re riding out this storm this weekend in whatever part of the country, be safe out there and I wish you all the best.


55 thoughts on “There’s a Storm Coming.

  1. Are y’all riding it out there? That is the one thing about hurricanes, afterwards everyone is cooking food on the grill and emptying their freezers. Everyone pulling together to get through. The only one I’ve evacuated from was Katrina and I’m both glad and sad that I did. Be safe! I’ll be thinking about you! My family has already headed from Jacksonville, all of Georgia, and the Carolinas. Gone to my Aunt’s house way inland in South Carolina.

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    1. Wow, I didn’t even realize that you guys were being threatened with the storm up there as well. I should change the ending of my post! I’ve been running around so much that I’m checking the news periodically. As for now, most of us in Broward are staying put. They haven’t given an evacuation notice for us yet.

      Why do you also kind of regret evacuating Katrina? I’m glad to hear you’re moving away from the trouble.

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      1. My family lives on the coast in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina so they’ve all gone to family inland. We’re sitting pretty here in Oklahoma. I regret it because we never got to go home. Our home was in the Gulf somewhere. We took the direct hit in Biloxi, Mississippi. When we did go back it was just all gone so now I’m stuck in Tornado Alley! Be Safe!

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        1. It’s so good to have family and good friends. May I ask, were you able to take all of your family pictures and things with you when you evacuated? I can’t imagine the nightmare of seeing everything gone. Honestly, I’m much more afraid of tornadoes. I guess it’s the price you pay for living in the beautiful landscape that you all have there.

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      1. Sure am! Other than forgetting my leftover pizza this morning that I was going to have for lunch (still kicking myself)…

        I’m up in SW Virginia, so we may see a bit from Irma too, but she would probably be downgraded to a tropical storm by the time she got to us.

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    1. Hey Jeannie, they’ve been know to make some sharp turns before, so let’s hope for that. If it could just jackknife into oblivion that’d be great. All the best to you girlie! Good to hear from you.


    1. You buttoned me?! I’ve been so busy I didn’t even realize! Thank you so much for your amazing support. I’m so happy I found you for more reasons than one! Big, big hug and lots of kisses (or one big one, whichever you prefer) 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. That happens to me with WP all the damn time. I disappear. I wrote a post a while back called WordPress thinks I’m trash. It’s a real problem, lol. I see your comment about the buttoning and how to do it. That and this one. I’ll check in my spam soon as I can!


  2. My best wishes to you Lyz, your children and family! So happy you’ve been making preparations — here we are still rebuilding and not fully recovered; long gas lines too, expected to last a few more days. I really, REALLY hope Hurricane Jose either dissipates back down from Cat. 3 or turns northward much sooner than expected! Seriously, THREE major hurricanes back to back to back!? 😮 WTH!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I know, it’s insane! I don’t even want to think about Jose. This is crazy. I picture him dying out shortly just for the sake of my sanity. I haven’t driven anywhere since Wednesday to preserve as much gas as possible. I hope things weren’t too awful for you with the last one? I don’t know which city you’re in. Right now I’m trying to tie down everything that’s outside or bring it indoors. Best wishes to you as well, Professor.

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      1. I am temporarily (not because of Harvey) in the Hill Country just northwest of San Antonio up I-10. We got thousands of evacuees though from Corpus and other coastal towns all the way up here. Can you get as much valuables up high, off the floors, etc?

        In a few months I will be returning to Dallas. 🙂

        Be sharp and safe Lyz. ❤

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  3. I was thinking about you a couple of days ago, after you’d told me that you live in Florida. I’m glad to read that you’re preparing and in good spirits. I’m hopeful for you (and everyone), hopeful that Irma passes without much trouble. I love that story about your father and the avocado tree. (I think it’d make a beautiful children’s story, actually.)

    Stay safe, Lyz-Stephanie! I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts. ❤ xx

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    1. Thank you so much, Kaiya, for your thinking of us. I’ve spent all of yesterday boarding up the house with shutters and plywood, so I’m glad that part is over. I’ll be back on the blog soon I hope. We’ve already started losing power in some places. Miss you guys!


  4. Here’s one who lives in a country with darkness and cold weather for months (6+ months, even). Right now I don’t mind because at least we don’t ever risk to get those tropical weathers. Take care, and stay safe.

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      1. We don’t.. or at least I don’t. The last few years winter have been torture to get through, I get something depression-like. I’m now planning to move to Ireland in a couple of years. Lots of rain and not great summers (we don’t have that in Sweden either anyway) but also spring in February and minimal risk of snow and ice. Plus breathtaking scenery, whiskey distilleries and good music in the pubs.

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  5. Thinking of you, Lyz, and hoping your family is okay. My parents are down there right now and I just heard via text that they’re okay and the storm has passed through (they’re in Fort Lauderdale). I know there’s some destruction around town but there don’t seem to be fatalities or injuries. Eager to have you back online here!

    Liked by 2 people

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