Nature Porn 2 photography

Nature in Detail, or Nature Porn 2

Go big or go home. You’ve heard it before, but let’s just let that go for a moment. I want you to go outside and go small. What in the green gables am I talking about? Nature porn!

Nature porn has made it to video folks, and I’m so excited. Today I’ll be sharing some visual reasons for why you should go small, think small, look for the details that make life grand.

I went out for a walk in the woods on Tuesday– actually, I went out to get some exercise but kept stopping every two feet to take pictures, videos and generally stare at ants busying themselves on trees. For as much as I love to workout in nature, I’m starting to think I’m too much of a hippie to do it effectively. How am I supposed to keep jogging when all the pretty things are calling out to me?

Since I barely got my heart rate up, I thought I’d make good use of all the beauty I documented by sharing it as well as giving you some tips on how to make the most of your time outdoors. Today’s slogan: Go small or go home. I know, so cheesy, right?

There are places I’ve visited whose landscapes dwarf me– masses of land rising from deep seas, mountains breaking the skyline, trees masking the sun. These are beautiful and awe-inspiring. But I’d like to challenge you to go out and discover the small things. If you ask me at any given time whether I’d like to travel somewhere, the answer would be yes. You’d probably say the same. But what is it about travel that we love so much? Novelty, freshness, a new and broader way of seeing the world.

There’s so much beauty all around us, and it would be a shame to not experience it as deeply as we can. I know that some of you, my dear readers, wouldn’t touch the outdoors with a ten-foot pole, and while that breaks my heart, I can’t save you. This is for the folks who are looking to feel more connected to the natural world around us and who are also looking for a creative outlet. Let’s start with the basics.

Nature Porn photography

On the day I went out, I made a few unforgivable mistakes. I didn’t bring my Canon camera, just my phone, which isn’t horrible, but it did prevent me from getting a closer look at tiny things, like this little guy whose iridescence would be gorgeous when magnified.

Nature Porn photography
This insect is half the size of my fingernail but would make a great subject for a macro shot.

But not everyone has a high-powered camera with a zoom lens anyway, so this post will show you that even a decent phone camera can capture some great shots.

Other rookie mistakes I made: The battery on my phone wasn’t fully charged and I didn’t bring my charger pack. Not that it would’ve mattered since I got a message that my phone was running out of storage space just as I was really starting getting my knees dirty.

[YouTube just put a block on my account because of the name violating their terms or something. Literally can’t post anything until August. Tear. Also, I feel like the sleaziest person ever. ] But now it’s back and eating up my data. Thanks, WordPress. I would say, please like and subscribe to my channel…

Pause and Approach. I’d like you to notice in the video that there are moments when I draw the camera back to show you what a scene might like to our eyes. At the very start, I’m walking past a pair of trees. They don’t look like much, but how beautiful when I approached and could see the pink and purple flower buds swaying in the breeze. The branches of this tree, which reminds me of something Japan for some reason, are thin, springy and soft. It’s so easy to overlook the magnitude of beauty in the things around us when we’re just focused on getting through life.

Nature Porn photographyNature Porn photography

Btw, none of these photos have been retouched in any way. The day was just this beautiful.

Get Down and Dirty. This is nature porn after all. Your knees should get some use or you’re not doing it right. What? Who said that?!

Nature Porn photographyNature Porn photographyNature Porn photography

I’ve been falling madly in love with this species of fern in recent years. They always seem to be the perfect shade of green to play with my heartstrings. These ferns are another example of a plant that when seen from our perspective don’t always make a big splash. Getting down to eye level helps us notice the intricacies of their design, like the way the stems are all curled up before unfolding.

Be a Scientist. Studying can actually be fun when there isn’t some high stakes pressure cooker of an outcome on the other end of it. If you love science like I do, approach nature as a scientist. Make notes of how many varieties of leaf shapes you can find in a given area. Or study the way that plants look at various stages of life. Notice how there’s beauty in every stage.

Nature Porn photography

Nature Porn photography

Looking down this trail we see lots trees. We can simply walk past them, or we can study the variety to be found in tree bark.


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When you look closely, you’ll find that trees are entire ecosystems unto themselves; they’re so much more than just a pretty face.

Get Creative. I freaking love making videos and taking pictures. You all know that. Did you know that nature is my favorite subject? If you want to expand your creativity while connecting with nature, I recommend you start today. I’ve been known to spend entire lunch breaks photographing squirrels in the parking lot of my job because beautiful things are all around us! We just have to slow down and look. Have fun out there!Nature Porn 2 photography

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What’s your favorite way to spend time in nature?

Follow me on Instagram for more pretty pics like these! We all need more pretty things in our lives. Instagram I Twitter I Pinterest I YouTube

My name is Lyz-Stephanie and I want to inspire you to be more connected to yourself and the world, to find beauty in simple pleasures, and to have more adventures. Every day we can do something to make our lives happier and richer, make our minds more active and engaged. I’m on the journey. Will you join me?

20 thoughts on “Nature in Detail, or Nature Porn 2

    1. And I’m like the nicest person ever! So far, I’m still in jail. This is a collect call/post.
      Treasure hunt is perfect. When the kids were little I used to give them a list of things to find like acorns, heart shaped leaves. I always feel like a nature walk is a new experience every time when we look really closely. There’s so much to discover and it’s so soothing.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Roda, thank you so much. I can’t believe I got flagged by YouTube! The video is so beautiful and I’m trying to see if it’s not too big a file for WordPress. So if you love this, check back later and it might be even better!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautiful!!! LMFAO @ the on your knees comment “what?! Who said that!!” Lol!! So me right there. This post literally, calmed my soul. Perfect. Just perfect! I wish I could get out more and enjoy the simple things. Hmmm. Maybe…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m proud of the knee bit 😅 Youre rubbing off on me you trollope. Also, I’m so glad I could help you feel more connected and calm, especially with the wedding coming on. My wedding gift to you is you must spend 15 minutes in some pretty outdoor place at any time before your wedding. Basically my present is a task. You’re welcome! I mean well, lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love this gift/task thing! It’s like the gift that keeps on giving. I’m seriously gonna do this. Maybe in my backyard but I’m even going to take Awful pictures and dedicate a nature porn post to you!
        And you called me a Trollope! BAHAHAHAHHA yesssssss!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Excellent (in a Mr. Burns voice) I’m so happy! Early is good because the birds start waking up and chirping or the golden hour in the evening. Your pictures will be beautiful or a lesson on what not to do, hahaha. Good things!

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          1. Yes!!! When I’m up all night baking I catch the birds come down to the pool area to eat beetles!!! It’s so cool. You’re right. I need to do it. I’m convinced. Lol

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  2. Such lovely captures, Lyz. I heart fern fronds. They look so romantic and delicate. My immediate reaction is to be wayward and start unfurling them bit by bit. My favourite memory is of ferns is entire rows of them on the way to the church where Daphne du Maurier got married in Cornwall 🙂 So, you are running in the woods now? Must feel so good! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes to romantic and delicate. They’re so soft to the touch. I’d love to see that landscape of ferns, especially in a quaint place like Cornwall. Your entire sentence starting “My favourite…” is written very beautifully; something about the alliteration and all the vowels. I’d hardly call it running. I stop constantly. But it’s a nice leisurely stroll, lol. It’s why my thighs are getting thicker!

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