iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers spending time outdoors in nature

Nature Porn

I haven’t been on the blog for a few days, so I figured what better way to get some views then the promise of getting hot and bothered. That’s business folks. The good news is that I have a great bunch of hot nature porn that I’d actually love to share. I set a goal for this month, and the rest of my life really, to spend time in nature every day. For those of you who are nature lovers like me, you’ll understand the benefits. This is brought to you by the color green and Mother Nature.

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers spending time outdoors in nature

Nature is eternally interesting and beautiful. Eye candy, brain candy, soul candy. I can’t always get out camping, hiking or to the beach, but that’s been okay, and here’s why. Growing up in Florida, I was rarely awed by great big landscapes– mountains rising like giants or prairies like stretches of imagination. So I’ve always studied the details… the activity of ants, the veins on leaves, the creeping moss, the design of flowers, the bark of trees. Luckily, my backyard has all of those things.

And now that my yard is overrun with weeds, and the weeds bring bees, things have gotten even more interesting. At this point, my neighbors may be looking askew at my flower filled yard, but I don’t care. It seems the longer I let it go, the more beautiful it gets. I look out of my living room window and see a yard filled with white and yellow flowers (weeds) and bees buzzing from one to the next. Why would I want to mow it down and look at plain grass instead? This is a social conundrum. I’ve realized I want a yard full of wildflowers, but as the house still belongs to my parents, I’ve got to respect their aesthetic. Anyway, enough talk. Let’s get down and dirty.

This is legit my front yard. Crazy, right? But the flowers sway in the breeze in such a pretty way, and I like pretty damn it. I’m just buying time until the lawn guy gets back from vacation. Insert sad face.

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection
A variety of weeds that I pulled from the yard. I’ll press them between the pages of a book.


iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers south florida lifestyle blogger outdoors

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection
I’d never noticed it on this tree before I took this photo.
iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers south florida lifestyle blogger outdoors
The sunlight filtered through the swing and created these light patterns on the vine.

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers south florida lifestyle blogger outdoors

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com nature photography weeds and wildflowers

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers south florida lifestyle blogger outdoors

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

Our mango tree is sprouting new red branches and leaves, which is nice to see since we lost so much of it with the hurricane.

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

iwannabealady.com weeds and wildflowers collection

This is the part where I’m supposed to remind you about the simple pleasures, the riches of nature, and the need to make the most of our time. But I’m not going to remind you of those things now. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

What’s your favorite way to get out into nature?


If you like what you’re reading and think I’m kind of a cool chick, please like, comment and share. And don’t forget to find me on the other side! Instagram I Twitter I Pinterest

My name is Lyz-Stephanie and I want to inspire you to live a more interesting, fulfilling and beautiful life. Think of me as your well-being and happiness guide. Every day we can do something to make our lives happier and richer, make our minds more active and engaged. I’m on the journey. Will you join me?


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