Complimenting Women

Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty

The other day, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw a picture that a family member posted of her daughter relaxing in the passenger seat of a car, smiling at the camera. The caption read that her daughter was now officially a sophomore in high school. “Where does the time go,” her mother declared. I decided to quickly browse the comments before adding my own, and … Continue reading Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty

nature journals and morning coffee

Intoxicated with Beauty

In an effort to connect and learn more about the natural world around me, I’ve started my first official nature journal. I’ve been reading so many great books on the importance of being outdoors- the physical and psychological benefits; I’ve been reading about how to become more aware of my environment and all the fascinating things happening right under my nose and above my head; … Continue reading Intoxicated with Beauty

tony-fortunato-595062-unsplash birds poop on cars

The Universe and Sick Jokes

I need to announce to you all that hours after publishing today’s blog post– Messy Cars Anonymous— I parked under a tree. Yes, my car got shat on by a shit ton of birds. I’m appalled that the Universe would question my integrity and true intentions (to keep my car clean) so suddenly and violently. Without a warning. Okay, real adults would know not to … Continue reading The Universe and Sick Jokes