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Ditching School

Was anyone else afraid of ditching school growing up? I consider myself a risk-taker and a rule bender. My relationship with rules is like a high school relationship. Mostly casual, a lot of talk, and a few scares. There’s also been drama, but for the most we’ve given each other our space. But there was always something about ditching school that terrified me. I never … Continue reading Ditching School

I’d Rather Crash and Burn, Spontaneously

A few years ago, I would’ve described myself as an eternally optimistic go-getter. I actually wasn’t that at all, but that was the way that I saw myself. A spontaneous adventurer. The reality is that I was afraid of taking chances. Real chances. I was terrified of failure. Any type of failure. Especially public failure. But there came a point when I started realizing that … Continue reading I’d Rather Crash and Burn, Spontaneously